I specialise in curiosity and creative experimentation.
My materials are words, folded paper, speech and our ecological experiences. I write, stitch, perform and collaborate around our ecologies, through poems, stories, artistbooks and immersive walks.
I run workshops to deepen my practice and share with others the value and intrinsic role of creativity in our lives. This desire also drives my practice as a mentor and coach.
I’m a builder of communities, within the worlds I create, between story and reader, and within the workshops I facilitate. In all areas of my practice, I celebrate the quiet intricacies that are interwoven within being and thinking, word and action, living and learning. I believe in the value of collective wisdom and celebrate how we can nourish and inform each other in any communities I’m part of.
I aim to capture the fragility of the world we inhabit, and seek to share my sense of wonder and vulnerability, to create safe spaces for inclusive thinking. My invitation is for people to resee the worlds they’ve become familiar with, and build resilience in their creative and spiritual lives.
My work as a poet and facilitator begins where I am based on Morecambe Bay, near Lancaster, UK, and spreads regionally, nationally and internationally.
I’m currently experimenting with monthly newsletters via Substack. If you’d like to sign up, fill in the below:
My archived blog reveals my creative practice and influences of the past couple of decades.