Within my role as celebrant, I make launches with other people, for their projects and books.
Whether launching a book, building, art exhibition or other project, the moment of making it public signifies both the end and beginning of two momentous journeys. A launch is the hinge of the creation’s existence. It is the bridge between the private and public life of what has been made.
I have launched, if not a thousand, many many books – of fiction,
poetry and anthologies – print and electronic.
These events have taken place in art galleries, libraries, a maritime museum, a judges’ lodgings and village halls. Each subtly took on the personality of the book, and proved, rightly, to be celebratory
affairs, whether among a few friends and colleagues or public events open to whoever is curious.
I also launch buildings, homes and art exhibitions, ensuring that the
essence of the work is reflected in the nature of the occasion.
As with all my ceremony work I am keen to collaborate as much as possible to define, design and deliver exactly what fits to purpose.
Fees will vary depending on the nature of your event, beginning at £50.
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