Imaginarium Power

This online Imaginarium is focused on the power we hold as writers, the power dynamics in what we’re writing, the power of words, and the variable power of voice and form.

To align ourselves with the power of our sun, this Imaginarum runs from one equinox to the other: March – September. Meeting monthly on Mondays at 7pm (BST).

Over each two hour session, we’ll be exploring:

  • how to tap into our personal power – our aspirations and intentions for ourselves as writers;
  • what power is displayed through our ideas and / or our characters, how it is used, misused, exploited and applied in the plots and structures of our work;
  • the inherent power of the words we choose and how we use them;
  • the power of publishing and our power as editor and gatekeepers for our work. This final topic will invite you to make a multiple zine or artistbook from a piece of work (using Canva free for those who want).

Who’s it for?
Open to writers of all genres and experiences.

The sessions will support you to:
* increase your faith in yourself, creative processes and writing
* connect with other writers in a supportive and inclusive community
* explore the complexities of power dynamics in your writing
* open up your thinking at a later stage of a project, or find news ways into capturing fresh ideas and experiences
* make an artistbook / zine to explore news ways of editing and presenting some of your writing
* have fun and play


We’ll meet monthly, online for 2 hour sessions.
You’ll be sent a pack of papery delights in advance of the programme, then ongoing digital worksheets / provocations full of questions and invitations in advance of each monthly meet.
A one-to-one coaching/mentoring session with me can be face to face (in Lancaster / Kendal area), online or phone during or after the programme.

More info on the ethos of an Imaginarium is here

Session Dates
From March 17th, we’ll meet online on the third Monday of each month (except June, when we meet 9th)
Online meeting dates:
17th March
21st April
19th May
9th June
21st July
18th August
15th September

There are three self-selecting bands:
£270 full; £190 mid-range; £90 concs; 1 free bursary place is available.
This includes all sessions, resources and an optional one to one tutorial.
Please choose whichever band feels most affordable to your current situation

To sign up*
There are 10 places.
As usual, to collate a diverse and engaged group of people I ask you send a brief email with an Expression of Interest.
Please email – sehymas@gmail [dot] com – by February 17th
1. A couple of sentences on your writing experience and interest in participating*
2. Which fee band you’ll be paying
3. Any access needs
4. Any questions
*This is not about me deciding how good your work is, more an ambition to create a mix of genres, experiences and perspectives for the group.